
Obro el correu acumulat. Vàries pàgines. Alguns em responen correus que mai he enviat (Re: I'm sorry); d'altres em venen drogues o em prometen fortunes instantànies. Caic en el parany i em miro un forward, un power point que sembla fet per una escisió integrista dels Hare Krishna... I finalment, l'ensurt: una cíberesquela. No sé si és un spam, però jo a aquest "Conrado" (QEPD) no el conec de res. De fet, no conec cap Conrado.

A mi les esqueles no m'agraden massa. L'Umberto Eco diu que és l'única part dels diaris que no llegeix amb ulls crítics. I alguns sociòlegs li han dedicat estudis més o menys rigorosos. García Sandoval va realitzar una Tesi Doctoral sobre les esqueles en El Mundo, dirigida per Camilo José Cela. Fins i tot, pot arribar a formar part d'una exposició. En la mostra que el CCCB dedicarà als 125 anys de La Vanguardia (comissionada pel gran Màrius Carol) han tingut l'encert de destinar un espai a l'evolució dels darrers adéus. Algunes d'elles són antològiques, com aquesta publicada el 2003:

"[Fulano de Tal] Amigos, pocos. Parientes, demasiados. Nota: El texto, hasta aquí, se ciñe con exactitud a lo redactado por el difunto para su propia esquela. Nunca te sentiste querido porque no confiabas en nadie. Solo pudiste confiar en [tres noms] y, a través de ellos te habrás reconciliado contigo mismo, con el mundo y con tu sobrina [l'anomenen], que de pequeña siempre te necesitó tanto y nunca se atrevió a decírtelo. Y aunque no me crees , nunca te podremos olvidar”.

Però això de les esqueles en els diaris o les estampetes dels enterraments (força kistch, no ho podem negar) està condemnat a la desaparició. Espero que els spams d'esqueles no es generalitzin. I suposo que qualsevol dia arribaran als avisos de defuncions per mòbil o per PDA. Temps al temps. Per anar obrint boca, podeu visitar el web necròpoli, que llista els noms dels finats ordenats per províncies (que ja té la seva versió catalana en proves). També existeixen ja els cementeris virtuals on no et roben els rams de flors. Per als que necessiten un referent físic, poden convertir les cendres del mort en un bell diamant, de moment amb dissenys clàssics, però aviat amb una versió Agata Ruiz de la Prada o Tous. Algunes funeràries tenen pàgines web on pots consultar les esqueles, enviar e-condols o seleccionar els objectes mortuoris on line.

Algunes iniciatives han fracassat. No sé si recorden la idea dels emails postmortem: una empresa es comprometia a enviar els correus que els clients redactessin com a "darrera carta". Com sabia l'empresa que estava mort?. Si el client no activava una clau durant un temps prudencial, llavors el sistema enviava els mails suposadament postmortem. El problema va ser que molts correus es van activar quan no debien (per error, per oblit, per accident) i van generar un allau d'ensurts, de declaracions d'amor inoportunes o de confessions abans d'hora. Torno a mirar-me la cíberesquela i ara no sé què fer. L'envio a la paperera de reciclatge?.


Anònim ha dit…
ostias Donaire. Avui t'has aixecat morbós. He rigut molt...
ZAGASO ha dit…
Amic Donaire: deixa't de morts i comença a escalar!!!

Es rifen conselleries i m'agradaria tenir un amic conseller!!!!

Donaire ha dit…
Estimat Ignasi

M'han proposat d'embaixador de Catalunya al Vaticà però encara m'ho estic rumiant. A mi les púrpures em fan dentera.

Per cert, no vegis una relació causa efecte entre un post sobre morts i la mort política d'alguns. És pur atzar...
ZAGASO ha dit…
jejejejejeje ...

Allà envien als de A Coruña ... no?
Als de l'Empordà igual us destinen a Zambia !!!

sort!!! o fes-te d'ERC !!!
Anònim ha dit…
¿Y no leiste aquella pareja que se crionizó en el sótano y cuatro años después se fue la luz y se decongelaron los cadáveres?. Superior.
ZAGASO ha dit…
¿salieron corriendo?

Pujol i Duran .... jejejejeje
Alex Warn ha dit…
Free blog installation is a good way for newbie to get started with blogging. This service is offered for free, allowing you to take the first step without shelling out any cash. Keto Fast
Emily Selvister ha dit…
A lot of BlueChew men would choose being well-endowed instead of how they are physically equipped now. However, most men who opt for male enhancement treatments don't have a clue on which product or treatment to try since there are a hundred different brands in the market all offering the same male enhancement outcome.
Emily Selvister ha dit…
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Emily Selvister ha dit…
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Emily Selvister ha dit…

If you're keto charge familiar with any of my work, you know I'm a big fan of lifting heavy weights. Well, among the many benefits of lifting heavy is the fact that it helps speed up fat loss.A study published by Greek sports scientists found that men that trained with heavy weights (80-85% of their one-rep max, or "1RM") increased their metabolic rates over the following three days, burning hundreds more calories than the men that trained with lighter weights (45-65% of their 1RM).
Emily Selvister ha dit…
Although, Keto Mode Review having excess skin can lead to some serious issues there are non-surgical ways of preventing infections such as keeping your excess skin dry. For those who are able and want to remove the excess skin, post-bariatric surgery is for you. It is important to remember that these procedures should only be considered after ones weight has stabilized; especially after weight loss surgery.
Emily Selvister ha dit…
Weight Slimlinic Keto loss Effectiveness With more than 50 percent of the population paying attention to weight, you'd expect the pounds to be coming off. Most people, however, are experiencing little to no weight change. Some people even find that their weight goes up after they attempt to reduce.
Emily Selvister ha dit…
When Green Vibe Keto you're in a caloric deficit and lose body fat, your leptin levels drop. This, in turn, causes your metabolic rate to slow down, your appetite to increase, your motivation to wane, and your mood to sour.
Emily Selvister ha dit…
If you don't green vibe keto review adjust your calories to account for this, you may hit a plateau. The easy way to avoid this is to re-calculate your daily caloric target after every 15 pounds of weight loss. As you'll see, the target creeps lower and lower.There are many formulas out there for determining how much you should eat to lose weight, but here's a simple one based on the Katch McArdle:
james ha dit…
Young people normally have fewer wrinkles, more muscle and an easier time losing fat compared to older individuals. As age sets in and hormone levels decline, symptoms of aging appear such as fat accumulation and lean muscle loss. Supplementing with hormones can reduce or eliminate these problems, but substances such as testosterone and DHEA also cause numerous androgenic effects that contribute to cancers and high blood pressure. Using 7-Keto-DHEA enables users to fight the effects of aging while avoiding the side effects associated with those other hormonal supplements.
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In 1998, the watch market began to expand with a number of fashion watch brands designing and manufacturing their own fashion watches. Instead of increasing the overall sales of watches, this led to market share being spread more thinly across all the watch brands and it became clear that Sekonda watches would need to diversify in order to maintain its market leading position.
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james ha dit…
People should also not be scared off by my "you have to eat this way forever" advice. This does not mean you will be dieting for the rest of your life and have nothing but starvation to look forward to. What it does mean, however, is you will have to learn to eat properly even after you reach your target weight and that way of eating should not be a huge departure from how you ate to lose the weight in the first place. Once you get to your target weight - and or your target bodyfat levels - you will go onto a maintenance phase which generally has more calories and choices of food, even the occasional treat, like a slice of pizza or whatever.

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james ha dit…
No matter what way of life you have, having a healthy lifestyle is a must. It is true that the only wealth you have is the body you keep. That is why, nowadays, there are a lot of programs, health supplements, equipment, among others that promise to give you the kind of body you want to have. However, real wellness is not always guaranteed. From all of the options you have, you only get a handful of reliable and safe ways to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

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The most interesting thing about Snapchat is the immediacy of the experience. While there are workarounds to save the images, there's still a time limit on how long it will be on the app. As a marketer, you can add a sense of urgency. Try Snapchatting some limited-time discount codes, for example. Keeping in mind that the pictures can only be shown for up to ten seconds, keep the code short and easy to remember. Key to this strategy, though, is giving a short deadline for using the codes: a few hours, or a day at most. That way, users will know that they have to open messages from you shortly after they get them to avoid missing the goodies.

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On its own, 7-Keto-DHEA is not a miracle weight loss supplement that causes users to lose fat with no effort at all. Combined with a diet and exercise program, however, primary 7 Keto benefits of reduced cortisol, raised T3 and enhanced thermogenesis combine to make weight loss far easier. 7 Keto benefits include lowering cortisol, letting individuals train harder and more frequently during their regimens. This is just one more way that 7-Keto-DHEA facilitates weight loss.

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james ha dit…
Now that you are aware of the multiple benefits, you should start writing posts for others' blogs right away. Even established bloggers write guest posts (simply because they have experienced the benefits themselves). It's now your turn to get out there and experience the fun that guest blogging is!

james ha dit…
Of course the problem may be that my guest post was poor; that people did not want to know more about the author. I need to do more guest post and collect some more data. One sample is not enough. But the first attempt was a real disappointment.

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Illeana Menon ha dit…
In this interview, Melany Whitney talks about cosmetic lip enhancements, shaping, and shading techniques.If you take the time to shop for eyes and lips care products, you will be surprised at the thousands of brands available in the market. Lip Liner Tips
james ha dit…
advised with products that contain Yohimbe as certain undesirable side effects, such as sweating and increased heart rate, have been reported. The good news is that there are plenty of potent and exciting male enhancement formulas for men to try which don't use Yohimbe as an ingredient. Find additional male enhancement information in the resource box below.

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james ha dit…
A recent history of American health care - what has driven the costs so high?
Key elements of the Obama health care plan
The Republican view of health care - free market competition
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However 11-beta-steroid dehydrogenase can catalyze the reverse reaction as well and thus cortisone is also the inactive precursor molecule of the active hormone cortisol.
Cortisone is activated through hydroxylation of the 11-keto-group by an enzyme called 11-beta-steroid dehydrogenase. The active form, cortisol, is thus sometimes referred to as hydrocortisone.

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Metabromine: Metabromine, an ingredient found in the lipovarin weight loss supplement, is derived from the cacao tree and provides appetite suppression plus a boost in energy without the effects of jitters that some consumers get with Ephedra-based products.

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As we nursed joey with poop-imbued cow's milk it grew and grew until the sad time came for release. Clearly, the Vet's advice was founded upon his knowledge of joey's inability to digest cow's milk. It got me interested in aspects of microbiome inherited from the mother and matters of our own gut flora. This article gives overview to how we acquire the all-important gut flora.

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james ha dit…
Obesity rivals smoking as the number one cause of preventable death. One reason is the dramatic rise in the diabetes risk often accompanying weight gain. So, are you interested in starting up a new diet plan, one aimed to not only help you lose weight but to control your blood sugar better? Chances are you are searching for the best options available. Two you

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Taking a quick look at the internet we can see that there are no shortage of male enhancement pill ads. Some of these ads promise ridiculous results that it becomes hard for customers to trust enhancement pills. I have seen numerous ads what have claimed to help men grow 4 inches overnight by just taking one "miracle pill".ManPlus Vixea Reviews The worst thing about these miracle pill is that they don't even work properly and when you buy them it makes you feel like a complete idiot for purchasing it. So do male enhancement pills really work? Yes they can work if you use the right ones.
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Mr Bhatti ha dit…
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